Wild heart
welcome to your portal.


I’m Emilia and I’m here to help you grow your Hairstyling business to a success!

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You are not signed up yet? Here are my current offerings from my heart to yours..

 Unwind - Your 1:1 Mentorship





Wild Womxns Emotions



From Trigger to Truth Bundle



My Vision, my purpose


I am a heart centred mystic on somatic trauma healing & wild emotional alchemy.

I work with collective and developmental trauma -unearthing the neglected, soothing the rejected and awakening the aliveness of our bodies and hearts.

Coming from my own healing Journey of trauma & suppressed emotions, my Vision is to offer you nothing less than the reclamation of your birthright :: deep intimacy, heart-centred connection and playful aliveness.

To stay connected & inspired i invite you over to join my on my IG. Here i share daily Impulses, Insight & Clips.

Or join my upcoming Workshops for an even deeper Transmission.

So much wild love from my heart to yours!


"Our Life's purpose is to love ourselves and others into their greatness."


Mahé Ravi Hardev

Stay Connected


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